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The noise of the alarm clock was more than just that. It was a warning for what was to come, a warning that the entities must now prepare for the hardest battle of their lives. It was 4 AM, and he got out of his sleeping bag. A-183, E-22, A-150, A-300, V-35, and A-35 and A-200, who were sleeping in a bag, began to slowly get up.

After everyone got up, they went downstairs and quietly had breakfast.

'The big boss comes back today, doesn't he?', asked V-80, breaking the intense silence.

'Yes, he does,' replied A-200.

'Hmm. I remember when he did that tournament thing,' V-190 said. 'That was when I met your mothe- I mean, when I met V-80.'

'Ahh yes, I remember those times, dear. They were good times. Back then, we had no idea A-350 was evil.'

A-150 looked at V-80. 'So, what happened?'

V-80 began. 'Back when I was 19 years old, A-350 hosted a competition called the Tournament of Entities. It was based upon a series of trials. The first challenge was to run 100 kilometers, and whoever was the fastest entity would win a golden medal. The second was to open 10000 doors whilst running 50 kilometers as quickly as possible. The third, and final, was who was the best fighter. You could compete in any of the challenges you wanted, an' it was even free. Of course, donations were available. I met V-190 when we did the first challenge together. I thought he was going t'lose at first, but then he started speeding up an' beat me. Afterwards, he proposed to me, an' we have been together ever since then. Sorry, do I seem unaware of the intensity of the situation?'

'A little. We have no time to waste, in case you couldn't already tell,' mused A-150.

After the entities had their breakfast, they decided to go to Section A, because that was likely where the Boss was going to attack first. They stopped halfway through Section E. V-35 was surprised to see the world outside of Section V, and not in a pleasant way. Hesitantly, E-22 and A-183 went into E-22's apartment. This was going to be difficult to explain.

'Hey there, kiddos,' A-183 began. The regret in his voice was audible. 'I know I just met you, but I have to do something very important. E-22 will stay here with you. I will be.. back, okay?' The tone of his voice indicated that he wasn't sure he would be back at all.

'Good riddance,' thought DG-1. E-22 gave her a deathly stare. 'Sorry, Mr. A-183,' she blurted out.

'Well, see you,' said A-183. He gave E-22 a quick kiss, which caused all of the children's faces to contort, then opened the door and left without saying another word.

Meanwhile, A-10 was in hospital. His wife, A-332 hadn't been conscious for one day, and she didn't look like she was going to come to her senses anytime soon. A-10 looked dreadfully over her as she lay in the hospital bed, still as stone.

Then, suddenly, she stopped breathing. A-10's expression was that of pure shock and horror. Please, please spare her life! Have mercy on her!, he thought. For 10 seconds, he and the doctor looked at the heart rate monitor, waiting for it to flatline.

Then, finally, just like a miracle, A-332 opened her eyes!

A-10 was relieved. 'N-no way! Honey, are you alright!?', he asked, looking over her.

'..did you actually think I was dead?,' said A-332, grinning smugly at her husband.

'What.', replied A-10. His expression changed to one of confusion.

'I was j-just pranking you, honey. Sorry, did I scare you?', responded A-332.

'You have got to be kidding me,' said the doctor.

A-10's expression changed to anger. 'I thought you were dead! Can you NOT make jokes like that again, please!? They're not funny! They're NOT funny!', he shouted.

'Sorry, Slothie. I got.. carried away. Will you forgive me?'

'Of course, of course, dear. But please, oh PLEASE don't scare me like that again! Just stick to giving A-183 Minecraft discs labelled Terraria!'

'Okay, I won't. I promise. Wow, I don't remember this being so big,' she said as she touched her belly.

'This is.. not a very good time to get pregnant, A-332,' replied A-10.

'Well, it's your fault, honey. Heh heh.' A-332's grin became even cheekier.

A-35 strolled in, V-35 closely tailing behind. A-10 smiled at A-35, as A-35 slapped his back, then did their very awesome secret handshake, which lasted about 5 minutes.

'Hey there! A-10, how's it going? Good to see you alive and well, A-332!'

'Good morning, A-35. Who's that girl besides you?'

'Ah, A-10, this is my very good friend and nothing else. Her name is V-35. V-35, this is A-10. I believe you've seen him before. Sorry, we didn't get much time to talk yesterday.'

'So you are the slowest entity,' V-35 exclaimed.

'And you are the loudest,' A-10 shot back.

'In case you didn't know already, we have our mentally unstable psychopath of a boss coming right for us.' All the entities' expressions changed to more serious ones. Even the doctor's expression changed.

'Oh, right,' said A-35.

'I prefer the term 'genius', but that works too,' said a calm, terrifying, unmistakable voice. 'Don't worry, I won't kill you,' intimidated A-350 as he walked into the hospital room. 'I have even better ideas,' he exclaimed, then gave a smile of pure venom.

A-60 bull-charged in, about to smash his body into A-350's, when A-350 grabbed him by the neck and pushed him to the floor. The extremely muscular entity stepped on A-60, one foot on his mouth, the other on his chest. A-60 was trapped on the floor and struggling in pain, as A-350 simply put on an arrogant smile.

A-10, A-35 and V-35 charged at A-350. The entity teleported to the room on the right, where he was still visible. He fired an explosive from his mouth at the ceiling, destroying some lights. A-332, who refused to watch as their overlord ran away with a snide grin on his face, tried to get up.

'Ms. A-332, don't! You need to get rest!', the doctor protested.

'I can't not do it!', countered A-332, her expression of shock and terror. She dashed away, and the doctor was powerless to catch up to her.

As A-350 ran across Section A, the mob of angry entities grew and grew. Finally, he reached a dead end. Just behind him was the door that lead to Section S. In front of him was most of the entities he'd REALLY pissed off, who all looked like they were about to tear him to shreds. They inched closer and closer.

A-350 got a keycard out of his pocket and put it in the door's key. The door slowly opened, and A-350's Section S entities charged in to protect him, as well as F-400. The mob of entities stopped inching closer. A large, muscular entity, whose color was incomprehensible, looked like he was about to attack, but A-350 held him back.

'Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today is a great day. It's so great that you're all getting to know eachother. Well, since we're all here now, why don't we host a tournament, just like the old times? A tournament of all Entities. We'll see how much better my new workers are than my old ones!'

'We're not going to play your stupid game!,' yelled A-10.

'Oh, I'm afraid you will, Sloth. Because otherwise, you're never going to get the chance to kill me!' A-350 turned to the entities of Section S. 'Also, could you all please be kind to my old workers? Don't worry, you'll get the chance to rip them to pieces later.' The entities of Section S nodded, and so did F-400. A-350 teleported a few rooms ahead, his gang of entities following him, the relentless mob of entities tailed them, though they were too unorganised and busy falling over each other to catch up. As they got deeper and deeper into Section S, some went home, but the ones who were desperate to serve justice kept on relentlessly chasing the Boss.

Finally, they reached a large, open arena. It had multiple floors with seats all around, high up in the air. It felt like they had travelled about 1000 rooms to get here. A-35 looked around, and couldn't find A-350 anywhere. Where was he?

Then, A-35 saw a massive monument in the middle of the arena. Standing atop of it was A-350. How am I gonna get to him?, thought A-35. He turned around, then right in front of him was A-350. He was wearing fake cat ears and a tail for some reason? Whatever. This was his chance!

A-350 was standing completely still, his face still adorned with that wicked grin. A-35 put his hands up, as if to signal that he didn't want to fight.

'I don't want to fight you. Thanks for giving me this job. Can we maybe talk this over? Please?', asked A-35.

'Buddy, I'm not gonna fall for that. I'm the one who taught you how to fight, ya know.'

'You taught me NOTHING!', shouted A-35. Before he could think about getting into a fighting stance, A-350 threw a front kick, which pushed A-35 off, causing him to fall off the top floor of the arena and scream in pain.

However, A-35 just about managed to get a hold of the railings on the second floor of the arena. He tried to pull himself up, but right in front of him was A-350. A-35 felt like he was about to explode.

'Actually, I think I taught you that, didn't I? For shame, Wailer. For shame.'

A-183 rushed in amongst the crowd and went up behind A-350, trying to pull off a sneak attack, but he seemed to anticipate it and threw a powerful back kick that, conveniently enough, hit A-183 in the nuts. He screamed in pain.

'Well, I have business to do. See ya, losers,' A-350 remarked, cackling. He then vanished into thin air.

'What the heck is wrong with him!?', demanded A-35.

'You already know everything is wrong with him!', A-183 yelled in reply.

A voice was heard throughout the entire arena. The voice of A-350. He didn't need a megaphone, because he could already talk very loudly.

'Welcome to the fourth official Tournament of Entities! It's been a while since we had one of these, because I wanted some time to mingle, and also some time to work on building up Sections V and S. Now that that's over, there is time for festivities once more. The first challenge will be the good ol' 100-kilometer race. The second challenge will be to open 10000 doors while running 50 kilometers, and the winners of both of those will get medals. The third, and most fun, will be a fighting tournament. Whoever wins that one will get to face off against me. Don't worry, I'll go easy on ya. Donations are available, and feel free to compete or watch. Don't cheat, because I'll know, and then I'll deal out the consequences. There are apartments all around the arena, because the fighting tournament will take place over a week. Let's geeeetttttttt ittttttt oooonnnnnnn!!', yelled A-350.

A-35 was about to speak, but A-183 stopped him.

'We've no choice but to play. It's the best chance we'll get at killing him,' whispered A-183.

Hesitantly, A-35 nodded in agreement. He went down the stairs preparing for the worst.

Half-an-hour had passed, and he'd finally found an opening in the arena which lead to the race track. To the left was what looked like the finish line, but it was guarded by fences that were too high and close together for an entity-shaped object to get in. As it turns out, the race had already started.

A-35 didn't waste any time. He cut to the chase, running at maximum speed, maximum effort. He pushed himself as hard as he could, and whilst his legs were a little weary already, his skin had turned purple - enough to know that he was doing good.

Besides him was a red entity of a similar height, build and appearance. The red entity glared at A-35, then tripped him over, causing him to land on the floor and scraping his head on the ground.

Piece of Sugar Honey Ice Tea, A-35 thought. He picked himself up and ran at the red entity. A-35 jumped into the air and threw a flying side kick, hitting the red entity on the back of the head and causing him to fall to the floor. Thankfully, he was still purple. A-35 watched his behind to see if the red entity was going to get back up, but before he could, A-120 ran him over.

V-27 and A-183 were both at the front. They desperately tried to gain ground on each other, exchanging glances with one another. Who knew which one of them would resort to dirty tactics first? They gave an intense glare to each other occasionally. A-183 noticed A-150 sleeping in a locker on the nearby hill.

Just before they reached the finish line, an entity with a very confusing colour scheme dashed ahead of them, whilst another turquoise entity sped ahead of A-183 and tripped V-27. A-183 offered a hand to V-27.

'What are you doing? Don't waste time! Get to the finish line!', yelled V-27.

'I haven't even gone enraged yet,' responded A-183.

He helped V-27 up, then, with fire in his heart, screamed as loud as he possibly could.

A-183 then dashed through to the finish line, passing by the turquoise entity. She tried to trip him, but he was too fast.

Finally, A-183 passed the weirdly coloured entity. He was only seconds away from getting to the finish line.. but then, he caught a car in the corner of his eye. It was just ahead of him.

He was about to jump, but before he could, the car rammed into him, smashing him off of the race course and breaking his left arm. Whoever won didn't matter to him now. He was focusing on keeping himself alive!

A-183 picked himself up. The Ferrari had gone off of the race track and was coming for him. Driving it was F-400, who was grinning maliciously. A-183 jumped on top of the car, smashed up the window and tried to kick F-400, who then grabbed his leg. She then took off his shoes and bit his right foot, chomping off two of his toes and causing him to bleed. A-183 screamed in pain, then jumped into the car, grabbed a piece of the shattered window and stabbed it down F-400's throat, and in response, she grabbed his arms and tried to drive a knee into A-183's chest, but he caught her leg and threw her out of the car. She was now sitting on the ground, her life in A-183's hands.

Suddenly, F-400 made an odd request. 'Please spare me!', she begged. 'I'm not the real F-400!'

A-183 glared at her menacingly. 'So you are another clone?', he asked.

'Yes!', she begged.

A-183 opened the car door and went up to the clone. He was probably about to lose the race, but pushed the thoughts aside. He'd already been taught that lesson multiple times. 'Don't ever attempt to kill me, or any one of my friends, EVER again.' He took a small step forward. 'Will you keep that promise?', he said, glaring at her menacingly.

'Yes, sir,' she muttered. For a few seconds, there was silence.

Hesitantly, A-183 took off his scarf and dropped it on the floor. 'Wear this so that we know you aren't the real F-400.'

'But what if A-350 or one of his allies hurts me?'

A-183 took a deep breath. 'We are stronger than you think. Way stronger. We would die before we lose to A-350.'

The F-400 clone looked down. 'I hope you're being honest.'

'We've trained like nothing else two months for this. We won't let that drunk doofus and his lackeys win, no matter what,' A-183 replied. Yes, he hated F-400's guts, but to kill an innocent life seemed pointless, even if it was the life of a clone. 'Tell me; how strong is the real F-400?'

'I don't know, sir. She seems just as invincible to us as A-350, but she obeys him. All I know is, she's stronger than us.'

'Thank you,' A-183 responded. He turned, as if he was about to sprint away.

'One more thing, sir. Us clones have implants that speed up our aging rapidly. Tomorrow, I will have aged a year,' added the somber clone.

'Well, maybe some of our doctors can help with that. I'll be back.' A-183 turned around and sprinted away. He was determined to finish the race, and was running at full speed.

Behind him, he saw a turquoise entity who he immediately recognized. She seemed a little slower than usual, though. What's A-332 doing here!?, he thought. She's in no condition to run!

Behind A-332, the other turquoise entity who tried to trip him earlier was coming up behind her. A-332 spun around and kicked her in the face, knocking her to the floor and drawing some blood.

Well, for someone who was pregnant and hadn't been conscious for a long time, she's doing great! At least she's alive. With the finish line now in sight, A-183 pushed onward, and then A-350 just appeared in front of him. He smashed into him, knocking himself to the ground. The turquoise entity sped ahead, A-332 still behind. Before A-183 could get up, A-350 had vanished and the turquoise entity had won the race.

'And the winner of the race is S-130!!', A-350 announced. 'So as you see, my new workers are clearly faster than the old ones.'

A-332 reached the finish line. 'I GOT SECOND PLACE!!!!!', she screamed as loud as she could. A-350 walked up to her and covered her mouth with his hand. 'AAAAANNNNNNDDDDDD!!!!!????', he screamed as loud as he could, 'You lost the race, sweetheart,' he said in a quieter voice. 'There is no room for second place here. There can only be ONE WINNER!!'

A-332 looked terrified. She wished she could fight back, but her body wasn't in any condition to do so. Not in the slightest. A-183 charged at A-350, which prompted the entity called S-130 and the strangely-coloured entity, who had caught up to the others, to charge at A-183. A-183 hadn't even gotten winded yet - he was ready for whatever they had in store.

Suddenly, A-183 felt the ground below him rumble a little. Was it an earthquake? Nope, it was too small to be o- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

A-183 was flung into the air as he yelled, along with pieces of debris, as a white scribble with addition symbols for eyes broke the ground that he was standing on. He was smoking two cigarettes and was extremely muscular. For some reason, he reminded A-183 of A-150.

'Oh, boys. Don't tear him to pieces yet. He isn't that strong,' A-350 blabbed sarcastically. 'Save that for the tournament, so that his death can be glorious and I can have fun watching him and all his useless friends die!' He cackled malevolently, then smirked, his expression as arrogant as ever. A-350 walked away from A-332, and..

'I GOT SECOND PL--' A-350 immediately ran back to A-332 and put his hand over her mouth again.


A-350 left, and A-332 remained quiet. A-183 clenched his fists. He was so mad at A-350. He wanted nothing more than to kill A-350 and save his friend, but if he even took another step forward, he'd no doubt be torn to pieces. A-332 walked up towards him, her expression one of pure shock. V-27 ran towards them, and looked like he was about to tell them something, but was too scared to blurt it out.

'In about three hours, the second competition will begin! See you all then!', A-350 yelled.

Meanwhile, A-35 unlocked the door to his apartment. The room he entered was a messy and small kitchen, and of course it had a camera in it. He went downstairs to check the bedroom. The bed seemed to be made out of leather, and there wasn't even a pillow. There was a camera, but it seemed to have fallen on the ground and broken. Good thing his boss was such a cheapskate. He also noticed there was a small poster of a blue entity with its head sticking out of a toilet, which had been ripped in half.

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. Hesitantly, he ran up and opened it, preparing for the worst.

'Sup, tiger,' V-35 greeted.

A-35 breathed a sigh of relief. 'Oh, hey there, V-35. How'd you know this was my apartment?'

'You were breathing,' she replied. 'You also happen to be two rooms away from me, isn't that sweet?'

'Why didn't I hear your breathing?'

'Because I was drinking water,' V-35 responded.

'Well, you're uh, welcome to stay for as long as you want.'

A-10 popped out of nowhere, his expression that of desperation and worry. 'Hey, A-35! Do you know where my wife is? I can't seem to find her.'

'I'm sorry, bro, but this place is huge. I got no idea where she is,' he replied.

'Great..', A-10 sighed. 'Usually she'd be screaming to alert me where she is, but for some reason, she isn't doing that. She better not be..'

'Let's not talk about that, A-10,' A-35 replied.

'Okay,' A-10 agreed.

Suddenly, a booming voice came from outside. 'Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Unfortunately, it seems that we are all out of doors,' announced A-350. 'So forget all about that second competition! It was bound to be boring anyways! Let's just skip to the third and final part of the competition, and the one that matters the most: THE FIGHTING! But first, we need to see who is the fastest locker checker! All locker checkers, please come over to the room without a roof next to the fighting ring!'

'Good thing we aren't locker checkers,' V-35 spouted.

'Then we can use this time to do anything else we've gotta do,' A-10 replied. 'I will train in private. Even if it's just a little bit, it's better than nothing.'

'Good luck with that. Anything you can do is better than nothing, as long as it helps to kick HIS ass,' A-35 responded. A-10 quietly left the room and A-35 closed the door.

'What are we going to do? There isn't much space here,' V-35 protested.

'We don't need a lot of space to do what we're going to do,' A-35 countered.

'Well, let me get changed,' V-35 said excitedly after a moment of silence.

'Hey, V-35! Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute!' replied A-35 in a louder voice.

'Haha, dirty minded, aren't you? I was simply going to get into my training outfit. Besides, I'd rather wait until marriage.' She smiled at him.

'My bad, V-35,' A-35 uttered in an embarrassed voice.

A-100, A-150, the muscular white entity, and the entity with a incomprehensible colour scheme all came over to the room in the middle of the arena. While he was on his way, A-150 noticed the muscular white entity was wearing similar clothes to him, which annoyed him, as well as the curtain of smoke that had formed over his head.

Suddenly, he turned around to face him. 'A-150, is it?', he said in a calm yet intimidating voice.

'Yes, you've been caught. Stealing my style of clothing isn't going to get you the chicks. Smoking won't, either,' replied A-150 in a condescending voice.

The entity's expression changed to an angry one. He walked up to A-150, trying his best to look bigger than him although he was the same height. He was succeeding. 'Do you know who I am, boy?', he growled.

'A cheap copy--'

The white entity forcefully grabbed his neck, and his expression looked even angrier, though he was still obviously cool in the head. 'Since you clearly don't know who I am, A-150, know this: My name is S-150, and I have the same talents that you do. It's just that I'm better than you in every way possible. When the fighting commences, Boss will put you up against me. You will know why they call me the 'Smoking Savage'. Do you get that, boy?'

A-150 was terrified. He didn't know what to say, and he had a feeling that talking would make things worse. He remained silent as S-150 mercifully released him from his grip.

Mere seconds after all locker checkers arrived, A-350 blew a whistle and the competition was on.

A-100's turn was first. He observed the room. 25 lockers, no time to waste. He took about 3 minutes to finish.

A-150's was second. Surely he couldn't lose. This was his job. He immediately started sweating out of desperation to prove he was the best. He shook as he opened the lockers, almost losing his balance. He took about 1 minute and 30 seconds to finish.

Then, the strangely-coloured entity's turn was next. He smashed his pudgy body into the lockers, breaking the doors of the lockers. It seemed destructive and impressive, but turned out not to be very efficient. He took 4 minutes to finish.

Finally, it was S-150's turn. He first lit a cigarette, and after a puff of smoke, he casually dug into the ground, then, one-by-one, teleported below every individual locker and pulled it into the ground like a sinkhole.

A-150 was sweating even more than when he was checking the lockers.

A-350 confirmed S-150's official time. A minute and 29 seconds. What the heck!? He had beaten him.. at his own job.. by one second!

'The fastest locker checker, without a shadow of doubt, is S-150!'

A-150 felt like screaming out loud, but he didn't want A-350 to smash his face in. He decided to stay quiet. S-150 lit another cigarette.

'Ladies and gentlemen, my new workers have won the first and second competitions. Now it's time for the third and final competition. A FIGHTING TOURNAMENT! Will the oldies shine, or will they all die painfully and slowly, to the delight of many? I'm sure it will be an absolute blast to watch! For this, I'm inviting my very best friend, who will surely invite all of his friends over. Prepare for the experience of your lives! Just give it two hours!' With that, A-350 vanished. A-150 felt defeated and angered. Good thing he had two hours to train. He quietly walked out of the room, exchanging snake-eyed glances with S-150. He was thankful when S-150 buried away.

After some time walking, A-150 noticed he was in a dark hallway, somewhere deep in the arena. He had a look around, though there was nothing of note.

Suddenly, A-150 heard a loud, commanding voice coming from behind him. 'Oi! Oi!', it repeated.

A-150 looked behind him to see a entity with a rainbow colour scheme.

'Stand off!', the entity shouted. He was taller and much bigger than A-150, and was slowly making his way towards him.

'Hey, hey! I don't want to fight!,' A-150 replied.

'And? I do!', the larger entity responded as he made a fist with his right hand and shook it at A-150. A-150 took a step back, whilst his rival charged forward, grabbed A-150's shoulders, and grit his teeth. Although his enemy was right in his face, A-150 felt surrounded.

A-150's foe put his thumb under A-150's eye. He hadn't seemed to have cut his nails in a long time, but that only made things worse. Clearly, he was planning to claw and rip A-150's eyes out. A-150 resisted all he could, but wasn't strong enough to get his foe's powerful arms off of him.

A-200 entered the room, and watched as the large entity toyed with A-150. He swore at him, insulted him, pretended to attack, and spat on him, in what all seemed to be some kind of mocking act.

Usually, he would help, but A-150 was his enemy. He'd stole his girl and pranked him many, many times, his pranks often involving subspace tripmines, which could have killed him. They'd also fought very often. They had not been friends for the longest time, and he felt no remorse for someone like that.

But then, A-150's foe touched A-150 in an uncomfortable place. That was it. As much as he hated A-150, he hated this sicko even more. He rushed at the rainbow-coloured entity, then threw a jab, hook to the head, then cross, then a hook to the head and another hook to the body, but the tough delinquent didn't budge. He turned his attention to A-200, and got his hands on him. A-200, try as he might, couldn't get him off. He had dug his own coffin trying to protect his worst enemy.. or so he thought.

A-150 stepped into his enemy's range and threw a flurry of punches to his head and body. The form didn't matter, only the power. Thankfully, A-150 had developed a lot of strength whilst building lockers, and his foe reeled back, the pain shooting through his body.

A-200 joined in the fun and threw a low leg kick, then a roundhouse kick that smashed his foe's head in. He had just pulled a muscle, but it didn't matter. A-150 then threw a front kick, pushing their opponent out of range.

'Bahahahaha! Is that all you've got!?', the manic rainbow entity cackled. 'You're outnumbered!', he shouted. All around A-150 and A-200, mirror images of their opponent appeared with alternating colours, all of them seeming to be laughing at A-200 and A-150 in unison. Whilst they seemed harmless, they were quite distracting.

A-150 and A-200, ignoring the clones, charged right at their opponent. Their opponent threw great, swinging punches. He wasn't fast enough to land hits on both of them, but when he did land hits, they always caused A-150 and A-200 to recoil in pain. He knocked down A-150 with a roundhouse punch to the nose, busting it up and causing it to bleed. A-200 kept his opponent at bay with his head movement, footwork and punches, as A-150 tried to get himself up. A-200 threw a lead hook to his opponent's head, then rolled under another telegraphic punch before firing off a 1-2-1-2-1-2. He managed to avoid the last two punches, though the rest seemed not to hurt him too badly.

A-150 and A-200 had less range than he did, so they weaved underneath his massive, wide, slow punches and responded with shorter, tighter, faster punches to his body and head. He seemed to absorb most of the punches, then threw a front kick to A-200 with poor technique. It was more of a push than a kick, but it nevertheless hit A-200 in the nuts and pushed him to the ground. A-200 riled in pain on the floor. A-150 tried to catch their foes' leg, but he pulled it back too quickly. He then launched towards A-150, running right into A-150's jab-cross, and then, when A-150 tried to finish the combination with another jab, bit his hand, tearing into the skin of his wrist.

A-150's wrist was now bleeding, but he bit back with a hard hook to the head, and then another, and then another. He did all in his power to get his foe's teeth out of the skin on his wrist, but it was hopeless. After a few more bites, A-150's right hand was ripped clean off, his wrist bleeding intensely.

But then, A-150 took lessons from Mike Tyson. He pivoted to his opponent's right and chomped his ear right off, and before his opponent could get his hands on him, moved out of range. His opponent tried to throw a teep kick once again, and A-150 grabbed his leg with his left hand and right arm, then picked his opponent up and, heavy as he was, threw him over his head onto the ground. His opponent's ear was on the floor, half-submerged in blood.

As soon as he touched the floor, A-150 immediately stepped on his chest just to make sure he wouldn't get up. Before their foe could grab A-150's ankles, A-200, who had gotten up, stepped on him too, one foot on the ground and the other on his right hand.

'N...not fair!', cried their once formidable foe. 'I.. wasn't.. ready..'

'Wasn't ready for a real fight!?', replied A-150, sweating, his voice showing his exhaustion and anger.

Their foe, speechless, simply cried. He was a big man, taller than A-150 and A-200, and yet he was crying like a baby.

'Well, surprise surprise. Street fighters don't beat real fighters,' responded A-200. A-150 stepped on his foe's head, busting up his nose and causing it to bleed.

A-200 looked at A-150. 'There's a locker right over there,' he said, pointing towards the wall. A-150 looked at the locker, hesitated, walked up to it and picked it up, then carried it over to his foe's body.

'Dirty chea--'

A-200 stepped off of their foe, and A-150 slammed the locker into their foe with all his might. He heard the noise of multiple bones cracking, but his robust opponent hadn't died yet. He slammed it once more, hearing the noise again, and then again for peace of mind. After a moment, A-150 picked the locker up, looking at his foe's corpse. It looked dead enough to be.. well, dead. A-150 decided to keep the locker on top of the body, but first he knelt down and checked his foes' pockets.

'What are you doing!?', A-200 retorted.

'I'm outta cash. It would be nice if I could buy an apartment around the arena, at least. Besides, if he's got any weapons, we might as well take 'em.'

'Pffftt. I'd expect a lowlife like you to resort to stealing, A-150.'

A-150 didn't grace A-200's comment with a reply. He found the entity's wallet in his right pocket. It contained a hefty amount of cash, as well as an ID card confirming his name as S-90. In his left pocket, he found another wallet, which contained a notebook labelled 'How to Win Every Fight - The Dark Truth by S-90'. He took the contents of both wallets, the second one mainly out of curiosity.

'Well, looking on the bright side, you actually did something good for once, A-200,' A-150 uttered, then looked down in regret.

'Hey, you did too,' A-200 responded.

A-150 gave A-200 one last look. Perhaps he wasn't as bad as he thought. A-150 walked away in silence, as did A-200.

Meanwhile, A-120 was sitting in his room alongside A-60. A-120's trusty pizza cutter was in his left pocket, but he had no idea if the tournament was going to be with or without weapons.

'Hey, have you noticed the camera in the room?', A-60 exclaimed.

'Yes, but it's probably nothing to worry about. I believe it's broken. That's what Boss- no, A-350 gets for being the lazy, money-hungry pig he is. I can still sense the anger in your voice, A-60.'

'Yes, because of what his lackey did to E-60,' A-60 grunted. 'Well, I'm gonna sleep. I'm tired from all the work I've been doing,' he mused, and opened the door. 'See ya, A-120.'

'See you, A-60.'

A-300 walked into the room. She was limping a little, but she had just learnt how to walk, so nobody could blame her.

'Hey guys! Oh, h-hey, A-120,' she said, a little anxious.

'Hello A-300. I'm making pizza for us all later. You can have a few slices, I know you love my pizza very much.'

'O-of course, A-120! I appreciate that a lot,' she replied, and put on a unsure smile.

'By the way, those clothes look great on you, A-300,' responded A-120.

'Huh? Y-you really think so?', replied A-300.

'Yeah, sure!'

A-300 couldn't believe it. Her crush had just complimented her! Could that mean..

'A-300, are you alright?'

A-300 looked down, then exploded into tears and started sobbing uncontrollably. 'Forget it! I'll just tell you! A-120, I love you so much!! I love you!! I love you!! I don't care if you don't love me back, or even hate me. I love you!!!'

'Calm down, A-300. I.. like you too.'

'You.. like me too!?'

'Yes. American women aren't usually my type, but, you're different, A-300.'

A-300 immediately jumped onto A-120 and started holding him. She was still sobbing uncontrollably. 'YOU LIKE ME BACK!!?? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, SO MUCH, SO MUCH, A-120!!! PLEASE MARRY ME!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! Also, I'm Canadian. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, A-120!!!!'

'WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING HERE!?', shouted A-60, who just came back into the room.

'Everything is fine, A-60! Don't worry about it!', A-120 shouted in reply as A-300 rubbed her head against man-boobs.

In second-hand embarrassment, A-60's face contorted and he silently left the room.


'Alright, ladies and gentlemen. This is it. The finale of the TOURNAMENT OF ENTITIES! An event such as this has not occurred for.. I can't remember how long! This is the fighting tournament. Fighting is one of the hardest things anyone can do. It demands stamina, skills, strength and focus all in one, and there's many places out there that teach nothing but garbage. But if you take what I teach you and really apply it, you'll be invincible. This is a test of how well you've all been listening to me, and your reward will be a fight against yours truly. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you. That will be in some time, however. For now, let the games begin!'

The arena was full. The seats all seemed to be occupied by entities that A-35 and his friends had never seen before. A-35 and V-35 stood together with their friends outside the ring, whilst A-350 and his allies stood within it. Next to A-350 was a short male entity whose entire head was an eyeball.

'Nice to see you again, Sir A-350,' he said as he bowed to the Boss.

'Nice to see you too, A-325. He whispered something into his ear, but V-35 caught it with her excellent hearing. She used sign language to show the words to A-35, which roughly translated to 'How are you managing with those low-detailed losers?'

'NO GANG SIGNS!', the entity called A-325 yelled. 'YOU IDIOTS! MY ENTIRE FREAKIN' HEAD IS AN EYE! YOU THINK I CAN'T SEE YOU!? THAT'S IT! YOU TWO ARE FINISHED!' A-325 got into a fighting stance and stared down A-35 and V-35.

'Calm down, A-325!', A-350 shouted. 'Don't let anger overcome you! Anger leads to the dark side. Remain calm and collected, and you'll be more like me!'

'Boss, whilst I do not have any rude intentions towards you, it is true you often let anger--'

'SHUT UP, S-10!!', A-350 yelled as he threw a sharp elbow to his chin, knocking him down to the ground. 'Anyways, see ya! Oh, and tread lightly, you two. Dismissed!', he announced.

It was time for the first match to begin. 'A-10, S-10, please step into the ring!', shouted A-350. It was beginning to get dark outside, and the skies were looking grey, too.

A-10 looked at the ring. There were no ropes, so whoever fell out of the ring could risk injury, not that A-350 cared about that sort of thing. He went to A-35. 'I'm up against one of A-350's warriors. If I die.. thanks for everything throughout these years, A-35. You're not just my friend, you're like a brother to me.' He hugged A-35.

'Thank you, brother,' A-35 replied softly. He looked like he was holding back tears.

A-10 went up to V-35. 'I know I just met you, but you're a pretty good person, V-35. Thanks for keeping my friend happy.'

A-10 hugged V-35, to which A-35 raised an eyebrow.

'Heh. Your friend and nothing else,' A-10 muttered as he smiled. 'See you, brother,' he added.

A-10 wondered where his wife was. Well, there was no time to worry now. He hoped she was going to be alright, and their child too.

A-10 nervously climbed into the ring. Yes, he had a feeling he would die. But that was not what he was worried about. He was worried about something else.

Meanwhile, his opponent slowly climbed into the ring, then, as soon as he got in, he lost his balance and fell back to the ground, to the amusem*nt of much of the crowd.

'Come on, S-10. You're better than this!', A-350 commanded. A-10 had never seen his boss compliment someone before. Thus, his fear only multiplied.

S-10 managed to get into the ring and not fall off this time. He was of a similar height and build to A-10, but looked way stronger.

'Alright. There are no rules other than staying in the ring and bringing in weapons. If you don't follow these rules, you die. A-325 is watching you. As for me, I'm gonna go drink some vodka. After that, I'll take my car out for a drive. Smell ya later.'

'Start already!!', shouted A-325, and with that, the battle begun.

S-10 immediately bull-charged at A-10, who, in response, moved out of S-10's line of fire to his right and threw a cross-hook-body shot combo. S-10, who didn't even have his guard up, reeled back in pain. A-10 then stepped twice and tried to double up on his jab, but S-10 seemed to snap back to reality and threw a 1-2 combination, which A-10 walked right into. Before A-10 could think, S-10 threw a jab, another jab, a cross, pivoted to S-10's right and threw a lead hook to his face, then another, which A-10 rolled under and responded with a right hook to the head. A-10 stepped out of range, but S-10 relentlessly pursued him. Eventually, S-10 pushed him to the corner, almost out of the ring, but A-10, being the pillar breaker he was, clinched S-10 and tried to turn him around.

Unfortunately, it seemed S-10 was stronger than he expected. Far stronger. S-10 pushed A-10, causing him to lose his balance and almost fall out. However, something kept him hanging on. Something in his heart. It began beating faster. Even faster! A-10 turned cyan, charged at S-10 and threw a rapid combination of a jab, cross, left hook, cross, left hook, and then two body shots. The injured S-10 tried to sweep A-10's leg, but A-10 got out quickly. The crowd showed some interest in what had just happened.

An idea then came to A-10's head. S-10 moved in range, and A-10 decided this was a perfect opportunity to finish S-10 off the good old fashioned way. He raised his knee as if he was about to throw a front kick, but before he could, S-10 was right in front of him, threw a white fang and knocked him down.

A-10 then did a drop kick. If he was going down, he'd take S-10 with him. But S-10 didn't budge, and A-10's head fell hard on the ground, in a spectacle that drew lots of attention from the crowd.

A-10 studied S-10's appearance, noticing he had changed colors from cyan to blue, drawing even more attention from the crowd. By the looks of it, he had become way faster and stronger as well. In that moment, all of A-10's fears came rushing back to him.

S-10 laughed at his hopeless opponent. Was this their best fighter? If so, their little 'rebellion', if it could even be called that, was nothing. Bound to be annihilated the day it came together.

Whilst S-10 delighted himself with his thoughts, A-10's heart started beating even faster, and he rolled away and got up. He was now red. He had decided to call this form 'XX-10' ever since he first got it. Like a flash of lightning, A-10 entered S-10's range, rolled under his left hook, threw a 1-2-low kick, then threw a double flying knee, the first knee which hit S-10 in the solar plexus, the second which hit him in the face, then finished him off with a sharp elbow, drawing blood from S-10's eye. With that, the crowd went wild.

S-10 fell flat on the floor, then A-10 stomped on his mouth multiple times, cracking his jaw and causing him to bleed. He was back to normal now, and was surprised to see A-10, who was still red, sitting on him. S-10 tried to use his arms to attack, but A-10 had no trouble controlling them.

'Do you give up yet?', A-10 whispered, flashing a toothy grin.

A-325 looked in disapproval at A-10. 'Kill him already,' he complained.

A-10 looked at him with that same grin. 'No. I am a martial artist. Martial artists don't kill unless they absolutely have to,' he said with absolute confidence in his voice.

'You're pissing me off. Give the audience what they want!', snapped A-325.

'I stand by my words,' A-10 complained.

'Then you will die by them!', screamed A-325. He rushed at A-10..

This has gone on for so long, so I think I might have to split the final part into multiple parts. Thanks for following me on this journey, everyone.

Discuss Everything About Roblox Interminable Rooms Wiki | Fandom (2024)


What are interminable rooms? ›

Interminable Rooms is a horror game on Roblox created on the 28th of October 2022 by zvardinRB, however, it has been officially cancelled on 8th of September 2023, but as of October 26, 2023, the game has been recontinued.

What does a 100 do in interminable rooms? ›

A-100 when spawned will rush through the rooms and acts like A-150, when it reaches the end, it will turn around and begin rushing through the rooms again. However, A-100 will check lockers so only tables and blue lockers are safe.

Who is a 400 in rooms? ›

A-400 is an white drawn entity that is similar to A-200, with partially 7 faces.

What does a 120 do in rooms Roblox? ›

When Happy Scribble spawns, it emits loud banging noises along with static varying in pitch and volume. This means that it will attack soon and players will have to find a hiding spot. When it attacks, it will move towards anybody who is alive (including hiding players) before moving into a previous room.

Who is 404 in Interminable Rooms? ›

A-404 is the only entity that can appear before its room number, appearing at E-1 or A-400. A-404 was the fastest entity. A-404's jumpscare in its angered state would be randomized.

What are the rooms in Roblox? ›

The Rooms is a different "level", separated from the Hotel that can be explored during gameplay. It is based on another Roblox game "Rooms". It is composed of 1,000 office-like rooms (1,001 rooms including the entrance), with all entities in The Rooms being slightly modified from the original Rooms.

What does a 245 do in interminable rooms? ›

Notes. A-245 will break lockers, so hide in a table or blue locker, specially if A-100 is coming.

How to survive a 332? ›

To survive an attack from A-332, player(s) must get in a hiding spot (locker, functional blue locker, table, fridge). Do not get out of your hiding spot before A-332 makes its despawn noise (Static Bursts of Interference).

How old is E200 interminable rooms? ›

200 can be triggered to spawn if a door that was automatically closed is opened again. ?- 200's fake despawn sound origin is derived from the Sad Mac sound. ?-200 is the second oldest entity, being 900 years old.

Does a 200 exist in rooms? ›

A-200 (A.K.A. The Happy Scribble) is the second and final Monster that players will encounter in-game. It starts spawning once players reach Room A-199. Starting from room A-199 onwards, A-200 can spawn.

What is a queen room type? ›

Queen: A room with a queen-size bed. It may be occupied by one or more people (Size: 153 x 203 cm). King: A room with a king-size bed. It may be occupied by one or more people (Size: 198 x 203 cm).

Who is a 60 from rooms? ›

What is A-60 in the game R-Rooms? A-60 is the first monster that players encounter in the game R-Rooms. It appears when a player reaches or opens the door into Room A-060 and has a chance to appear every time a door is opened from A-060 onwards.

How rare is Halt Doors? ›

Before Hotel+, it used to be a 3% chance of Halt spawning, however, after Hotel+, the chances of Halt spawning decreased to 0.1-0.5% with the exception of Doors 79-89, where Halt is likely to spawn unless Ambush spawns before that point, or Halt has spawned before ditto.

What are glitch doors? ›

Glitch is a minor character in the 2022 Roblox horror game Doors. It is an entity that acts as failsafe for player when rooms fail to generate correctly. Despite being an antagonist, it helps the player.

Is interminable positive or negative? ›

The word itself evokes a sense of perpetuity, timelessness, and boundlessness. Although its primary connotation may lean toward negative sentiments, the positive aspect of interminability lies in the opportunities it provides for intellectual, emotional, and personal growth.

Who created interminable rooms? ›

Interminable rooms is a roblox game created by zvardinRB. This game is based on other roblox game called Rooms created by nicorocks5555. This game consists of going throught rooms while avoiding entities by hiding in lockers or tables.


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.