Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (2024)


About the Tier List

This tier list is NOT FINAL; it will change and will be updatedas often as necessary prior and during Mythic+. There areoften moments of tier set and class tuning, as well as talent changes andsecondary stat scaling that will impact the placement of the specs.

I am Petko, a competitive Mythic+ player, known to be pushingthe boundaries of High Mythic+ with several World first andEurope first rankings among past seasons on multiple classes. I have workedhard on preparing for Season 4 of Dragonflight, spending numerous hours per dayexamining each and every class and spec in a dungeon environment on PTR. This Tier listwill continue to be updated as much as it requires over the course ofDragonflight and it will also focus on what the "meta" will look likeas it stabilizes. Along the way, this Tier list will also be supported byvarious professional Mythic+ players with high credibility in the community,theorycrafters across all specializations, and my own empirical evidence.

To begin with, this Tier list will exclusively focus on the fourthSeason of Mythic+ in Dragonflight. There will be noWarcraft Logs rankings addednor simulation data for the majority of the classes and specs. As a result, thisTier list will be solely based on empirical evidence of the current state of theclasses' performance in Mythic+ from my own point of view and the point ofview of the group of players testing those classes who are among the bestrepresentatives of the class in the community. Moreover, this Tier list willtake into consideration every impactful class change and tier set tuning beforeand after the start of the season.

It is important to note that opinions might vary and that is completely okay,but remember to be respectful when providing feedback as the sole purpose ofthis tier list is to help the WoW community with their choice of main or alteach season.

This tier list is entirely based on several factors, such astank durability, group composition synergy, mobility, damage profile, self-sustainand external party-wide cooldowns.


A Final Warning


Tank Tier List for Season 4 of Mythic+ in Dragonflight

Below, you can find the full rankings for Tank specializations in Dragonflight Mythic+.We encourage you to further read and understandwhy some classes are placed lower or higher than expected, with severalfactors taken into consideration.

  1. Vengeance Demon Hunter (S+Tier)
  2. Protection Paladin (A-Tier)
  3. Guardian Druid (A-Tier)
  4. Protection Warrior (B-Tier)
  5. Blood Death Knight (C-Tier)
  6. Brewmaster Monk (C-Tier)
Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (1)

Data-Driven (Season 4) Mythic+ Tier List

Get the latest data driven tier list for Patch 10.2.6

View Rankings


DPS and Healer Class Rankings

If you are interested in our other rankings for Mythic+ in in Dragonflight,Season 4, please click the links below.

Mythic+ DPS RankingsMythic+ Healer Rankings


Full Tank Class Rankings


Vengeance Demon Hunter

Patch 10.2.7 update: Vengeance Demon Hunterreceived minor damage and utility nerf in the upcoming patch, but not enough to placethem anywhere lower on the tier-list. The combination of Vengeance Demon Hunter'sstrong survivability and great utility make Vengeance Demon Hunter thebest tank option for Mythic+ in Season 4. In addition, since magical damage dealersare considered "meta," Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (2) Chaos Brand provides a noticeable damage boost for theentire group, meaning having a Demon Hunter is even more needed. At last, rememberthat one of the biggest disadvantages of having caster-orientated groups areinterrupts and mob control, in which Vengeance Demon Hunter is the bestat - 2x Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (3) Sigil of Chains, 2x Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (4) Sigil of Misery, 2x Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (5) Sigil of Silence,Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (6) Chaos Nova, etc. is just part of their incredible toolkit. Overall, the besttank choice so far across all key levels. and most importantly, the most pug-friendlyoption.





Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (7) Chaos Brand5% extra Magical damage
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (8) Darkness% chance to avoid all damage from an attack.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (9) Sigil of SilenceSilences all enemies affected by the Sigil fora short period of time.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (10) Sigil of ChainsAll enemies affected by the Sigil are pulledto its center and snared.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (11) Chaos NovaAoE stun effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (12) ImprisonSingle-target out of combat crowd-control.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (13) Consume MagicRemove 1 beneficial Magic effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (14) Sigil of MiseryAoE disturb effect.

Vengeance Demon Hunter Mythic+




Protection Paladin

Patch 10.2.7 update: Protection Paladinreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 1, which will be playedin the next season. Protection Paladin will still remain oneof the strongest tank specializations for Season 4. It boasts animpressive damage profile and unmatched group-wide utility, making it ahighly sought-after choice. Additionally, its durability has improved sincethe last seasons, which is one of the most important details for every tank.Moreover, this specialization is one of the few tanks with exceptional off-healingabilities, making it a valuable asset when fulfilling extreme HPS Mythic+ requirements.



Playing around Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (15) Consecration is simply an underlying issuethat has been going on for a while for Protection Paladin.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (16) Avenger's ShieldExtra interrupt option that has a follow-upsilence effect.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (17) Devotion AuraPermanent 3% group/raid-wide damage reductionaura.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (18) Retribution AuraIn case you already have Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (19) Devotion Aura fromanother Paladin, you can choose the Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (20) Retribution Aurato help your party/raid do more Damage and Healing.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (21) Hammer of JusticeA powerful single-target 6 sec stun effect.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (22) Lay on HandsHeals a member of your party/raid to full health.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (23) IntercessionCombat-resurrection
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (24) Blessing of SpellwardingGranting magical damage immunity for 10 secon a chosen ally.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (25) Blessing of SacrificeHelps a single member of your raid in acritical situation. This can be further improved by talentingMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (26) Sacrifice of the Just.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (27) Blessing of ProtectionPhysical immunity, which can help you withsome boss encounters.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (28) Blessing of FreedomImmunity to movement impairing effects.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (29) Repentance / Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (30) Blinding LightYou have the option between single-target crowd-controleffect or a powerful mass AoE stop.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (31) Cleanse ToxinsRemoves all Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (32)Poison and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (33)Disease effectsfrom the target.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (34) Turn EvilBe able to fear any Undead, Aberration orDemon, which is an additional form of crowd control.

Protection Paladin Mythic+


Guardian Druid

Patch 10.2.7 update: Guardian Druidreceived no changes in Season 4, outside of getting their Season 2tier-set back. Guardian Druid will return to its "old-new" tier set, which immenselyimproves their performance from the previous season. With that in mind, we believethat their damage profile and durability will improve, while also keeping theiramazing party-wide utility unchanged. Good days are coming for Guardian Druids andwe are excited to see them perform in the last season of Dragonflight.



The tanks placed above Guardian Druid have some unique specifics(better damage, more durability, better utility, etc) better than you inthe Season 4 of Mythic+.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (35) Mark of the WildIncreasing the Versatility of your raid/partyby 3%.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (36) Entangling RootsSingle-target root effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (37) After the WildfireExtra off-healing.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (38) InnervateAllowing 1 friendly healer to castspells without spending mana for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (39) Stampeding RoarIncreasing the movement speed to all raidmembers by 60% for 8 sec.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (40) Remove CorruptionRemoves all Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (41)Curse and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (42)Poison effectsfrom a friendly target.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (43) SootheDispelling all Enrage Effects from anenemy target.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (44) HibernateSingle-target crowd-control effects againstbeasts and dragonkins. It also works on Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (45) Incorporeal.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (46) Incapacitating Roar / Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (47) Mighty BashYou have the choice between AoE disturb effector a single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (48) TyphoonAoe knockback.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (49) Mass Entanglement / Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (50) Ursol's VortexYou have the choice between AoE root effect orAoE wind-of-vortex, pulling all the mobs to one location.

Guardian Druid Mythic+




Protection Warrior

Patch 10.2.7 update: Protection Warriorreceived massive buffs leading to the next pack, with a much better damage profile, as wellas durability. Protection Warrior will be a great choice tank forthe upcoming season. Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (51) Spell Reflection is proving to be a useful tool inthe Season 4 dungeon pool, effectively speeding up some of the instances.Overall, Protection Warrior's biggest asset is durability, whichis the most desirable feature among tanks, but currently lacks the capabilitiesin every other detail, compared to the rest of the tank specs. At last, with the mostrecent damage buffs, their damage profile will now be much more competitive, bringingto closer to the top-tier tanks.



As always, Protection Warriors may suffer if anything cannot beblocked or reflected. Although their utility has never been considered the best,they make up for it with their raw power in terms of damage and survivability.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (52) Rallying CryTemporary increasing the health of your raid/party.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (53) Battle ShoutExtra 5% attack power.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (54) Spell ReflectionUsable in niche situations.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (55) Intimidating ShoutAoE disturb effect capped at 5 targets.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (56) Storm Bolt4 sec single-target stun.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (57) ShockwaveAoE Stun

Protection Warrior Mythic+




Blood Death Knight

Patch 10.2.7 update: Blood Death Knightreceived a buff to their "old-new" tier-set, from Season 2, which will be playedin the next season. Blood Death Knight will enter Season 4, with a mediocredamage profile and not-so-impressive survivability, compared to the rest of the tankspecializations. Their group-wide utility covers niche spots within your group, butit is yet not considered a top tier. The good part is that you can sync well withany other classes/specs and you still hold great mob control.



Although the spec plays decent in the current season of Mythic+, the tanksabove you are better in particular game areas, such as: better mob control,better utility, better endurance or simply more raw output.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (58) Anti-Magic ZoneProvides extra durability against heavy magical damage.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (59) Death GripRepositions an enemy of your choice.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (60) Raise AllyCombat-resurrection.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (61) Abomination LimbEvery 1 sec an enemy is pulled closeto you.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (62) Gorefiend's GraspMass-grip.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (63) Insidious ChillReduces the auto-attack speed of your target by5% stacking up 4 times.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (64) Control UndeadMind-control an undead enemy to fight on your side.This ability can also Mind-control Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (65) Incorporeal(similar to Priest's Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (66) Dominate Mind) to gainthe full benefit of the affix.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (67) Asphyxiate5 sec single-target stun.

Blood Death Knight Mythic+


Brewmaster Monk

Patch 10.2.7 update: Brewmaster Monkreceived a substantial damage nerf which will impact their tier-list placement. In addition,their Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (68) Stagger effectiveness will be much more durable againstmagical attacks, which was always a weak area of theirs.Brewmaster Monk spec will remain relatively squishycompared to other tank classes. However, their damage output is one of the highest,in the game, which makes them a great fit for lower to mid-level keys.Just keep in mind as you progress through higher-level keys, you may encounter moresurvivability issues. Overall, the utility package of Brewmaster Monk is great,providing all the necessary tools to tackle any issue in Mythic+. Whether or not theBrewmaster Monk will become a competitive spec or remain in a mediocre statewill depend on further Season 4 tuning.



The only way this spec can improve rankings is by further buffs on behalfof their survivability.


Mythic+ Utility

CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (69) Mystic Touch5% extra Physical damage for your raid.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (70) Generous PourExtra damage reduction against area-of-effectdamage.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (71) Close to HeartIncreased healing from all sources for all allies within10 yards.
CoreMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (72) Leg Sweep3 sec stun effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (73) Tiger's LustRemoves all roots and snares.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (74) Ring of PeaceIt can be used to help your tank kite and as aAoE disturb effect.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (75) DetoxRemoves all Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (76)Poison and Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (77)Disease effectsfrom the target.
OptionalMythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (78) ParalysisSingle-target disturb effect.

Brewmaster Monk Mythic+



  • 02 Jun. 2024: Reviewed and updated based on the most recent class changes.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed and update dfor 10.2.7 Patch.
  • 23 Apr. 2024: Reviewed and updated for Season 4.
  • 25 Mar. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.6 Patch.
  • 12 Mar. 2024: No changes needed.
  • 28 Jan. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.5 Patch.
  • 18 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 04 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 12 Nov. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 05 Nov. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.2 Patch.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.1.7 Patch.
  • 22 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 09 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 25 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
  • 17 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
  • 27 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 06 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 23 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent Patch.
  • 07 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
  • 01 May 2023: Fully Updated for Season 2 of Dragonflight.
  • 21 Mar. 2023: Updated based on the most recent changes for 10.0.7. Patch.
  • 04 Mar. 2023: Further Adjustments based .
  • 14 Feb. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent Patch.
  • 25 Jan. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.5 Patch.
  • 21 Dec. 2022: Further Adjustments based on the latest class changes.
  • 18 Nov. 2022: Updated with the initial iteration for Season 1 of Dragonflight.

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Mythic+ Tank Rankings: A Tier List for Dragonflight (Patch 10.2.6. / Season 4) (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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