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Genomics 85 (20

In vivo characterization of a vertebrate ultraconserved enhanceri

Francis Poulin1, Marcelo A. Nobrega, Ingrid Plajzer-Frick, Amy Holt, Veena Afzal,

Edward M. Rubin, Len A. Pennacchio*

DOE Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, USA

Genomics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Received 19 January 2005; accepted 7 March 2005


Genomic sequence comparisons among human, mouse, and pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes (Fugu)) have revealed a set of extremely

conserved noncoding sequences. While this high degree of sequence conservation suggests severe evolutionary constraint and predicts a lack

of tolerance to change to retain in vivo functionality, such elements have been minimally explored experimentally. In this study, we describe

the in-depth characterization of an ancient conserved enhancer, Dc2, located near the dachshund gene, which displays a human-Fugu identity

of 84% over 424 basepairs (bp). In addition to this large overall conservation, we find that Dc2 is characterized by the presence of a large

block of sequence (144 bp) that is completely identical among human, mouse, chicken, zebrafish, and Fugu. Through the testing of reporter

vector constructs in transgenic mice, we observed that the 424-bp Dc2-conserved element is necessary and sufficient for brain tissue enhancer

activity. In vivo analyses also revealed that the 144-bp 100% conserved sequence is necessary, but not sufficient, to replicate Dc2 enhancer

function. However, the introduction of two separate 16-bp insertions into the highly conserved enhancer core did not cause any detectable

modification of its in vivo activity. Our observations indicate that the 144-bp 100% conserved element is tolerant of change at least at the

resolution of this transgenic mouse assay and suggest that purifying selection on the Dc2 sequence might not be as strong as we predicted or

that some unknown property also constrains this highly conserved enhancer sequence.

D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Comparative genomics; Fugu; Pufferfish; Gene regulation; Enhancer; Transgenic mice


Vertebrate comparative genomics has proven to be an

effective approach for uncovering functional elements in the

human genome. This has been accomplished through

comparison of the human genome with the genomes of a

wide range of species from primates to fish [1–4]. The

0888-7543/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


i Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the EMBL/

GenBank Data Libraries under Accession No.

* Corresponding author. Genomics Division, One Cyclotron Road, MS

84-171, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720,

USA. Fax: +1 510 486 4229.

E-mail address: [emailprotected] (L.A. Pennacchio).1 Present address: Department of Integrative Biology, University of

California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-3140.

underlying success of this strategy is based on comparing

sufficiently divergent genomes to distinguish neutral versus

functionally constrained sequence elements [5,6]. At one

extreme, comparison of the human genome to the genome of a

teleost fish, Takifugu rubripes (Fugu), has identified a set of

anciently conserved coding and noncoding sequences [7,8].

Humans and Fugu last shared a common ancestor

approximately 400 million years ago [9] and while the Fugu

genome is one of the smallest known in vertebrates (365Mb),

its gene repertoire is similar to that of humans [10]. These

characteristics led to the original proposal to sequence the

Fugu genome to assist with the annotation of human genes

based on comparative genomics [10]. Furthermore, the

availability of the Fugu genomic sequence also revealed that

human-Fugu-conserved noncoding sequences can be used to

delineate gene regulatory sequences [1,11–15].

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Many of the ancient elements conserved between human

and Fugu overlap with recently described ultraconserved

human/rodent DNA elements [16]. Through the use of

human/mouse/rat whole-genome comparisons, ultracon-

served elements were defined as sequences that are at least

200 bp and are absolutely conserved in these three species

[16]. Intriguingly, the nonexonic ultra- and human-Fugu-

conserved elements do not show a random distribution in

the human genome, but tend to cluster near genes encoding

transcription factors that are involved in developmental

processes [16,17].

One example of clustered human-Fugu-conserved non-

coding elements are those surrounding DACH1, a hom*olog

of the Drosophila dachshund gene [18]. In both vertebrates

and invertebrates dachshund displays a complex temporal

and spatial pattern of expression, and the gene product is

critical in the development of the central nervous system,

sensory organs, and limbs [19–23]. In vivo analysis of nine

DNA elements conserved from human to Fugu demon-

strated that seven displayed enhancer activities recapitulat-

ing some aspects of DACH1 expression [15]. The most

surprising characteristic of these enhancers is their

extremely high degree of conservation between humans

and fish. For instance Dc2, a conserved regulatory element

of human DACH1 that is known to drive expression in

hindbrain, forebrain, and retina, is 84% identical over 424

bp to its Fugu ortholog. As impressive is the high degree of

conservation within subregions of this element, with

portions displaying greater than 99% identity over 270 bp

among human, mouse, and rat and greater than 98% identity

over 219 bp between human and Fugu. This is especially

striking considering the known degeneracy of the sequences

recognized by transcription factors [24], and this observa-

tion of extreme conservation suggests that other limitations

may prevent these enhancers from changing over evolu-

tionary time. To better characterize the nature of the

sequence constraints in highly conserved vertebrate

enhancers, we manipulated a single known element, the

human Dc2 enhancer, in vivo through a series of reporter

constructs tested in transgenic mouse assays.


In this study, we characterized a single human-Fugu

enhancer of the DACH1 locus (Dc2) through (1) compara-

tive genomic analyses to define ‘‘phylogenetic footprints,’’

(2) deletion constructs in transgenic mice to experimentally

define the minimal sequence necessary and sufficient for in

vivo activity, and (3) targeted mutagenesis to assess whether

the enhancer is tolerant of insertional disruption events.

Comparative genomics delineates conserved modules

The Dc2 enhancer was previously identified by compar-

ing the sequences of the orthologous human and Fugu

DACH1 genes [15]. Briefly, a human DNA fragment of

2086 bp encompassing the sequence conserved in Fugu was

tested in transgenic mice and demonstrated to enhance the

activity of a minimal heat shock promoter (HSP68) fused to

b-galactosidase (LacZ) [25]. The Dc2 enhancer was found

to drive the expression of LacZ in the hindbrain, forebrain,

and retina of the developing mouse embryo [15]. To better

define the sequence elements required for the enhancer

function of Dc2, we performed comparative analysis of the

functional element in multiple vertebrate species (Fig. 1A).

Comparison of the human, mouse, and rat sequences

revealed several discrete elements of conservation through-

out the enhancer when using an 80 bp and 70% identity

cutoff, slightly less stringent than the classically defined 100

bp and 70% identity previously used in the identification of

functional mammalian regulatory elements [3] (Fig. 1A; 4

human-mouse elements). Comparison of the human and

chicken sequences shows a decrease in the number of

conserved elements, but extensive conservation is still

readily observed (Fig. 1A; two human-chicken elements).

This is in contrast to the alignment of the human sequence

with that of the more distant vertebrates, which highlights a

single region of 424 bp that is more than 84% conserved in

all the species analyzed (Fig. 1A, human Dc2 to frog,

zebrafish or Fugu). This region is 96% identical to the

mouse Dc2, and displays 84% identity between the human

and the Fugu Dc2 (Fig. 1A).

Closer inspection of the alignment of this 424-bp region

reveals that the largest uninterrupted block of perfect

identity between human and mouse is 195 bp and that

between human and Fugu is 144 bp in length (Fig. 2). This

block of perfect identity can be expanded to a remarkable

270 bp with a single mismatch between human and mouse

Dc2 (Fig. 2, human nucleotides 75 to 345). Similarly, the

human-Fugu conservation is 98% for a block of 219 bp

from human nucleotides 90 to 308 (Fig. 2). This large block

is flanked by shorter regions where the similarity between

species is lower (Fig. 2), suggesting that the enhancer is

composed of a core sequence that is highly constrained, and

satellite sequences that can evolve more rapidly. Analysis of

the 424-bp conserved region with rVista 2.0 [26] predicts

111 and 114 putative transcription factor-binding sites in the

human and Fugu sequence, respectively. Of these sites, 72

are conserved in both species (Fig. 3), with 44 sites landing

in the 144 bp/100% conserved core (61%; Fig. 3, green


Comparison of Dc2 to the human genome also uncov-

ered a single additional region of sequence similarity (which

we will refer to as Dc2V) on chromosome X. Upon detailed

further examination of the flanking sequence, we found that

Dc2V lies within DACH2, a known paralog of DACH1 that

arose from an ancient genomic duplication event predating

the divergence of the mammalian and fish lineages (Fig. 4).

Similar to Dc2, Dc2V is located in the first intron of DACH2,with both displaying similar enhancer properties in trans-

genic mice, further supporting their common origin (data

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Fig. 1. Sequence comparison of Dc2 enhancer in multiple species. mVista alignment (http://gsd.lbl.gov/vista/) between the human DACH1 Dc2 enhancer and

(A) orthologous Dc2 sequences from the DACH1 gene, or (B) paralogous Dc2V sequences from the DACH2 gene of the indicated species. Alignments were

performed with an 80-bp window size and a 70% identity threshold.

F. Poulin et al. / Genomics 85 (2005) 774–781776

not shown). Alignment of the human Dc2 to the paralogous

Dc2V sequence from multiple vertebrates shows a more

limited region of similarity between the two elements (Fig.

1B). The human Dc2V contains the most conserved portion

of the DACH1 Dc2 enhancer (Fig. 2; 144 bp, human-Fugu

Dc2 100% identity), but overall has a lower degree of

sequence conservation (Fig. 4; 144 bp, human Dc2-Dc2V86% identity).

Refinement of the minimal necessary Dc2 enhancer

Using the results from our comparative analysis as a

guide, we designed several Dc2 constructs to test for

enhancer function in transgenic mouse embryos (Fig. 5).

As previously demonstrated [15], we found that the wild-

type construct displayed enhancer activity in all transgenic

lines tested (Fig. 5B, WT), with specific staining in the

forebrain, hindbrain, and retina (Fig. 5B, WT). To define the

minimum fragment necessary for this activity, we tested a

construct consisting of only the core 424 bp of sequence that

are conserved in the DACH1 Dc2 orthologues from human

to Fugu (Fig. 5B, 424 bp/84%). We found this 424-bp

fragment consistently drove expression in transgenic

embryos in a pattern indistinguishable from the parent

2086-bp construct. Conversely, we found that deletion of

this 424-bp sequence from the parent (WT) construct

completely abolished its activity in our transgenic assay

(Fig. 5B, D424 bp). This finding suggests the small 424-bp

element is able to carry out all the observed enhancer

activities found in the full construct.

To further explore the minimal sequence necessary for

enhancer activity, we reduced the size of the conserved 424-

bp fragment to the 144-bp Dc2 region 100% conserved

between human and Fugu (Fig. 2, dashed line), a segment

that also shows similarity to the paralogous human Dc2Venhancer (Fig. 4). We found that while this 144-bp sequence

does not enhance transcription in transgenic mice (Fig. 5B,

144 bp/100%), its removal from the WT parental Dc2

construct completely abolished Dc2 enhancer activity (Fig.

5B, D144 bp). Taken together, these results demonstrate

that, although human-mouse comparison shows several

regions of sequence conservation (Fig. 1A), the necessary

and sufficient portion of the element is contained within the

region shared between human and Fugu. Moreover, the

region of the element that is shared between Dc2 and Dc2V isnecessary, but not sufficient, for the function of the


The highly conserved minimal enhancer core is tolerant of

insertion mutations

Having defined the 144-bp core element as essential for

enhancer function and 100% conserved between human and

Fugu, we sought to determine its tolerance to sequence

change. The large size of the minimal Dc2 enhancer and its

extreme conservation raised several questions regarding the

types of constraints acting on its sequence. To address

whether the internal organization of the enhancer could limit

its variation, we introduced DNA linkers into the phyloge-

netically conserved core of the enhancer (Fig. 2, arrowheads).

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Fig. 2. Sequence alignment of the evolutionarily conserved region from the DACH1 Dc2 enhancer. Dashed lines above the sequence indicate the 144-bp region

that is 100% conserved between human and Fugu Dc2. Arrowheads indicate the position of insertions in the mutated version of the enhancer. Alignment was

preformed using ClustalW.

F. Poulin et al. / Genomics 85 (2005) 774–781 777

These linkers were 16 bp long, representing an appro-

ximately one and a half DNA helix turn, and were designed

to not introduce new predicted transcription factor binding

sites into the enhancer (see Materials and methods). We

chose the location of the insertions to disrupt the most

constrained region of the enhancer (Fig. 2, arrowheads), with

one linker (insert 1) located in the segment that is absolutely

conserved and has hom*ology to DACH2 Dc2V (Fig. 2,

dashed line). Surprisingly, in studying the various transgenic

lines containing these reporter constructs, we found that the

two different linker insertions did not affect the WT reporter

construct activity in the mouse embryos (Fig. 5B, Insert 1

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Fig. 3. Conserved transcription factor-binding sites in the DACH1 Dc2 enhancer. The 424-bp human and Fugu Dc2 enhancers were analyzed for the presence

of conserved vertebrates transcription factor-binding sites using rVista 2.0 (http://rvista.dcode.org), with a matrix similarity cutoff of 0.9. Alignment between

human and Fugu DACH1 Dc2 (424 bp) is depicted as blocks ranging from 50 to 100% conservation. Putative transcription factor-binding-site positions

(identified on the left) are indicated by colored boxes above the alignment. The position of the 144-bp/100% conserved Dc2 core is highlighted in green.

Arrowheads indicate the position of insertions in the mutated version of the enhancer.

F. Poulin et al. / Genomics 85 (2005) 774–781778

and Insert 2), and the pattern of expression of these mutant

constructs was not distinguishable from that of the WT



Comparative genomics is continuing to help localize

conserved noncoding sequences with gene regulatory

activity, and distant evolutionary comparisons between

mammals and teleosts have proven especially efficient

[1,13,15,27]. In this study we characterized a gene

enhancer (Dc2) identified through human-Fugu compara-

tive genomics, and refined the sequences necessary and

sufficient for its function, as well as assessed the impact of

insertional mutations on its gene regulatory activity.

Fig. 4. Local alignment of the human DACH1 Dc2 and DACH2 Dc2V enhancers. Twith the paralogous sequence from DACH2 Dc2V. Numbering of DACH1 Dc2 nuc

The Dc2 enhancer is characterized by the presence of a

large block of sequence (144 bp) that is entirely identical

between human and multiple distantly related species

(mouse, rat, chicken, frog, zebrafish, and Fugu). This

observation is similar to recent reports for mammalian

ultraconserved sequences [16], despite the fact that the

Dc2 enhancer falls just short of the requirements of the

ultraconserved set (>200 bp, 100% identity). Nonetheless,

a similarity in human-Fugu and ultraconserved noncoding

sequences is their enormous degree of sequence conserva-

tion, extending hundreds of basepairs with minimal

substitutions over hundreds of million years of evolution.

Regardless of the precise definition of extreme sequence

conservation, the question is raised of why such striking

constraint. One possible explanation is their enrichment

near developmental genes, suggesting that they are

he most conserved portion of the human DACH1 Dc2 enhancer was aligned

leotides is the same as in Fig. 2. Alignment was performed using ClustalW.

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Fig. 5. Functional analysis of the human DACH1 Dc2 enhancer. (A) mVista alignment between the Dc2 enhancer from the human and the mouse (H/M), or the

Fugu (H/F) DACH1 gene. Nucleotide positions are indicated for the human wild-type Dc2 sequence. (B) The indicated DNA fragments from human Dc2 were

assayed for in vivo enhancer activity on the minimal HSP68 promoter driving LacZ expression. The wild-type (WT) enhancer corresponds to the DNA

fragment tested by Nobrega et al. [15]. A 424-bp fragment (nt 318 to 741 of WT) that is 84% identical between human and Fugu was tested by itself (424 bp/

84%), or the corresponding sequence was deleted from the WT fragment (D424 bp). A 144-bp fragment (nt 404 to 547 of WT) that is 100% identical in human

and Fugu was tested by itself (144bp/100%), or the corresponding sequence was deleted from the WT fragment (D144 bp). The WT Dc2 enhancer was

modified to insert a 16-bp linker at two different locations in the human-Fugu-conserved region (Insertion 1 and Insertion 2). The number of mouse embryos

displaying the Dc2 expression pattern is reported over the total number of transgenic embryos (Pattern/Tg). ND: not detected.

F. Poulin et al. / Genomics 85 (2005) 774–781 779

involved in the tight regulatory control of genes directing

the basic vertebrate body plan. But why would gene

regulatory sequences require hundreds of basepairs of

sequence perfectly conserved over such long time periods

when most transcription factors are capable of recognizing

short (6–12 bp) degenerate sites? It may be due to a large

number of overlapping transcription factor-binding sites

with highly rigid binding requirements as well as severe

constraint on the spacing of putative modules within the


Another powerful aspect of vertebrate comparative

genomics and gene regulatory sequence characterization

is the occurrence of gene paralogs resulting from genomic

duplications over the course of evolution. This is readily

apparent with the human DACH1 gene and its Dc2

enhancer sharing similarity with the DACH2 paralog and

the adjacent Dc2V. This duplication event is very ancient,

predating the last common ancestor of human-Fugu, and

both loci have strongly resisted sequence change in these

functional sequences. Comparison between these paralogs

revealed a small and highly conserved core (144 bp) that is

necessary to preserve the enhancer function, but is not

sufficient to recapitulate it. This suggests that while it is

critical to conserve the sequence of certain modules for the

enhancer to function, some flanking sequences are more

flexible to change. It is known that stabilizing selection can

maintain an enhancer function in different species even

when sequence conservation is limited because of turnover

in transcription factor-binding sites [28]. However, the fact

that the flanking sequences are flexible in the Dc2 paralogs

is contrasted by their extreme conservation in each of the

individual orthologs. It therefore appears that the sequence

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F. Poulin et al. / Genomics 85 (2005) 774–781780

of each of the paralogous elements changed rapidly after the

duplication event, and that each eventually became fixed

independently [16,29].

While enormous sequence conservation of human-Fugu

and ultraconserved elements alone predicts that any change

in such an element would destroy its activity, our analyses

indicate that the DACH1 Dc2 enhancer is much more

flexible than anticipated. Two separate insertions in the

highly conserved core of this enhancer did not cause any

detectable modification in its activity in vivo. This could be

due to the limitations of our assay, which occur at a single

time point and lack sensitivity to detect small quantitative

changes, or to the presence of another unidentified function

within this conserved module. However, the observation

that the complexity of the Dc2 expression pattern is not

affected by insertions indicates that many of its general

activities are still retained. While negative selection on the

Dc2 sequence could not be assessed in these in vivo

studies, its enormous conservation more likely suggests

that additional unknown biological properties also con-

strain Dc2.

Materials and methods


Dc2 enhancer constructs were PCR-amplified from

human genomic DNA (BD Biosciences) and directionally

cloned into the pENTR/D-TOPO vector (Invitrogen). The

wild-type (WT), 424, and 144 Dc2 constructs were PCR-

amplified with the corresponding forward and reverse

primers described in Table 1. Constructs containing site-

specific mutations were generated by overlap extension

PCR [30], in which the mutagenic primers were used in

combination with WT primers of opposite orientation

(Table 1). All constructs were sequenced and transferred

to the Gateway-HSP68-LacZ vector using the LR recom-

bination reaction (Invitrogen). The elements were cloned in

the same orientation relative to the HSP68 promoter as

they are to the endogenous DACH1 promoter. A 16-bp

linker (5V- GCTGCCCGCGCAGTAC) was inserted at two

locations (nucleotides 128 and 236 of human DACH1 Dc2,

Fig. 2) in the wild-type human Dc2 enhancer to test for

Table 1

Primers used to generate Dc2 constructs

Construct Forward primer


disruption of Dc2 function. The linker was scanned with

the MatInspector software (Genomatix, Matrix Family

Library Version 4.2) to ensure the absence of putative

transcription-factor binding sites. Vertebrates matrices were

used with the following parameters: core similarity, 0.75;

matrix silmilarity, optimized.

Generation of transgenic mice

Plasmid DNA was purified using the EndoFree plasmid

maxi kit (Qiagen). One hundred micrograms of plasmid

was linearized with XhoI, followed by purification on

Micropure EZ columns and Montage PCR filter units

(Millipore). The purified DNA was dialyzed for 24 h

against injection buffer (10 mM Tris, pH 7.5; 0.1 mM

EDTA), and its concentration determined fluorometrically

and by agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA was diluted

to a concentration of 1.5 to 2 ng/ll and used for

pronuclear injections of FVB embryos [31], in accordance

with protocols approved by the Lawrence Berkeley

National Laboratory.

Embryo staining

Embryos were harvested at 12.5 dpc and dissected in

cold 100 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.3, followed by 30 min

of incubation with 4% paraformaldehyde at 4-C. The

embryos’ heads were punctured with a 27 G needle to

facilitate the penetration of the staining solution and washed

three times for 30 min with wash buffer (2 mM MgCl2;

0.01% deoxycholate; 0.02% NP-40; 100 mM phosphate

buffer, pH 7.3). Embryos were stained for 24 h at room

temperature with freshly made staining solution (0.8 mg/ml

X-gal; 4 mM potassium ferrocyanide; 4 mM potassium

ferricyanide; 20 mM Tris, pH 7.5, in wash buffer). Stained

embryos were rinsed 3 times in 100 mM phosphate buffer,

pH 7.3, and postfixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. Yolk sacs

were carefully dissected from embryos and DNA was

prepared by boiling the tissue for 20 min in 75 Al of

solution 1 (25 mM NaOH; 0.2 mM EDTA), followed by

neutralization with 75 Al of solution 2 (40 mM Tris-HCl).

Yolk sac DNA was screened by PCR with LacZ primers



Reverse primer


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F. Poulin et al. / Genomics 85 (2005) 774–781 781


We thank N. Ahituv for the Gateway-HSP68-LacZ vector.

Research was conducted at the E.O. Lawrence Berkeley

National Laboratory, supported by Grant HL88728, Berke-

ley-PGA, under the Programs for Genomic Application,

funded by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, USA,

and performed under Department of Energy Contract DE-

AC0378SF00098, University of California. F.P. was sup-

ported by a Fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of

Health Research.


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Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.